causing wonder or amazement ;very beautiful or impressive;wonderful; remarkable
The adjective wondrous is a great word to use when you're describing something amazing or delightful. You could talk about the wondrous view of the ocean from the cliffs where you're standing.
There's a hint of magic and awe about the word wondrous.
It describes things that inspire wonder, like a wondrous imaginary land
or a wondrous display of beautiful, elaborate cakes at a pastry shop.
The root is the Old English wundor, "marvelous thing, or object of astonishment." Wondrous is tricky to spell because it's missing the e in wonder.
1490–1500; metathetic variant of Middle English wonders (genitive of wonder) wonderful; cognate with German Wunders; spelling conformed to -ous
He told us some wondrous experiences while practicing Falun Gong.