Saturday, January 04, 2014


v.  困惑,使挫折,為難
1:  to defeat or check (as a person) by confusing or puzzling :  disconcert
2:  to check or break the force or flow of by or as if by a baffle 

n.  困惑,擋板 
: a device (such as a wall or screen) that is used to control the flow of something (such as a fluid, light, or sound) 

To baffle is to confuse. If you are completely puzzled as to what baffle means, you might say that this word baffles you.

Baffle means "confuse," but it can also mean "amaze." A magician might baffle you with an impressive magic trick. Additionally, this verb can mean "to spoil, thwart, or defeat by means of confusion." In a debate, you might baffle the opposition by introducing new information that your opponents are not familiar with. Baffle can also be used like stump. If you are stumped by a question on a test, then you’ve been baffled by that question. 

例句:The Chinese regime decided to persecute this peaceful practice is baffling to many.

Friday, January 03, 2014


\ˈdis-ˌkȯrs, dis-ˈ\  

n.   談話,講道,演講,論文
: the use of words to exchange thoughts and ideas
: a long talk or piece of writing about a subject 

v.   談論,演說 
: to talk about something especially for a long time

If you use the word discourse, you are describing a formal and intense discussion or debate.

The noun discourse comes from the Latin discursus to mean "an argument." But luckily, that kind of argument does not mean people fighting or coming to blows. The argument in discourse refers to an exchange of ideas — sometimes heated — that often follows a kind of order and give-and-take between the participants. It's the kind of argument and discussion that teachers love, so discourse away! 

She enjoys chaste discourse . 


He could discourse for hours on almost any subject.


Thursday, January 02, 2014


\prə-ˈfau̇nd, prō-\  

adj.  極深的,深厚的,深奧的
: having or showing great knowledge or understanding
: difficult to understand : requiring deep thought or wisdom
: very strongly felt 

n.     深淵 
:  something that is very deep; specifically :  the depths of the sea 

When you need a word that's deeper than "deep," consider profound.

Profundus meant literally "deep" in Latin, and profound had the same meaning when it entered English in the 14th century. But even then, it also meant "figuratively deep" — that is, very great or intense: "The new laws have had a profound impact." Of people, it means "very knowledgeable or insightful," but sometimes if a person tries to sound profound they're really just giving you superficial knowledge dressed up with big words. 

例句:The Chinese guqin has a long history and profound cultural meaning.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014


\ˌən-ˈra-vəl\  v.

闡明,解開(絲繩⋯⋯等) ,解釋,散開 .
to separate or disentangle the threads of (a woven or knitted fabric, a rope, etc.).
to free from complication or difficulty; make plain or clear; solve: to unravel a situation; to unravel a mystery.
Informal. to take apart; undo; destroy (a plan, agreement, or arrangement). 

例句:They don’t create art for art’s sake, but as a way to unravel and spread truth.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cutting edge

— n
1.      the leading position in any field; forefront: on the cutting edge of space technology

— adj
2.      at the forefront of people or things in a field of activity; leading: cutting-edge technology 


cutting :用刀切東西
Cutting edge:類似刀或斧頭這些工具的銳利邊緣,即刀口。現在已經被用來表示:最先進的技術。這個俗語在美國人當中流傳使用已經大約有四十年了,一般是用來形容科技發展領域最先進的研究和發明,因此這個習慣用語在科技界人士當中使用得最多。 現在已經不侷限在科技領域了,它已經被用於社會的各個方面,甚至美國的音樂界人士也使用這個俗語。

例句:His cutting-edge research focuses on the nature of religious and spiritual practices and experience.

Monday, December 30, 2013


\ˈgrōp\  v. 

: to search for something by reaching or touching usually with your fingers in an awkward way
: to move forward carefully by putting your hands in front of you so that you can feel anything that blocks you
: to touch (someone) in an unwanted and unexpected sexual way

When you grope for something, you try to get a grip on it. If you drop your flashlight in a dark cave, you might grope around for it. Beware of snakes!

If you're asked a question and you grope for an answer, you're at a loss for words. You can also grope another person, although I wouldn't recommend it: grope is usually used to describe touching that is unwanted (i.e. creepy behavior). If you do grope someone, don't bother groping for an explanation when you get slapped or arrested.

例句:The ordinary people often grope around inside the box created by their own ignorance.

Sunday, December 29, 2013


\ˈwən-drəs\  adj. 

causing wonder or amazement ;very beautiful or impressive;wonderful; remarkable

The adjective wondrous is a great word to use when you're describing something amazing or delightful. You could talk about the wondrous view of the ocean from the cliffs where you're standing.

There's a hint of magic and awe about the word wondrous. It describes things that inspire wonder, like a wondrous imaginary land or a wondrous display of beautiful, elaborate cakes at a pastry shop. The root is the Old English wundor, "marvelous thing, or object of astonishment." Wondrous is tricky to spell because it's missing the e in wonder.

1490–1500;  metathetic variant of Middle English wonders  (genitive of wonder) wonderful; cognate with German Wunders;  spelling conformed to -ous 

He told us some wondrous experiences while practicing Falun Gong.