Sunday, January 05, 2014


adj.  不注意的,不留心的,不關心的 
: having or showing no regard; heedless; unmindful (often followed by of  ).

adv. 不顧一切地; 不管怎樣地; 無論如何
: in spite of difficulty, trouble, etc. 
: without being stopped by difficulty, trouble, etc. 

Idioms  不管, 不顧
regardless of, in spite of; without regard for

If something is done without consideration, it's done regardless, usually followed by the word "of." Today you can sit wherever you'd like on a bus, regardless of your race, but this wasn't always the case.

The word regardless can also be used as an adverb meaning despite everything. If your speaker had to cancel, you should carry on with the meeting regardless. People sometimes use the word irregardless when they mean regardless. Irregardless is an error resulting from a blend of irrespective and regardless. You may hear people say it, but grammarians consider it to be a mistake. 

Organ harvesting is a crime regardless of whose organs are removed!